Archive of posts from 2013

Selecting a Cloud Hosting Provider: 3 Criteria to Consider

Selecting a Cloud Hosting Provider: 3 Criteria to Consider

Joe Palian
Read Time 3 min Read

It sounds simple enough: Secure computing environments remain secure because they limit the number of outside sources that are connected to it. For this reason, when cloud computing was first being touted as the next big thing in the evolving technological landscape, a lack of security and application control were raised as primary concerns. However, this is no longer the...

Expedient Takes on National Cloud Providers in Recent Cloud Spectator Report

Expedient Takes on National Cloud Providers in Recent Cloud Spectator Report

Ken Hill
Read Time 2 min Read

Learn how Expedient topped Amazon and Rackspace In case you haven’t noticed, we’re pretty fast, and the recently released analysis report from Cloud Spectator proves it. Over a period of 15 days, Cloud Spectator, an independent cloud analyst firm, compared the performance of our virtual platform against comparable offerings from Amazon and Rackspace. The results concluded that Expedient’s virtual...

Calculating The Costs of a Public Cloud Solution

Calculating The Costs of a Public Cloud Solution

Joe Palian
Read Time 2 min Read

How to Evaluate the differences between dedicated and variable metering Determining how much your public cloud environment will cost you can be tricky. While it’s true that signing up for a subscription cloud service offers the advantages of scalability, unless you have a clear idea of how much computing demand you need and use, you could wind up paying...

Three Myths About Disaster Recovery Planning That Need Debunking

Three Myths About Disaster Recovery Planning That Need Debunking

Jonathan Rosenson
Read Time 3 min Read

Engineering a disaster recovery solution can be challenging. The widespread misconceptions about the subject don’t make things any easier. To bring clarity to the situation and help you choose a solution designed to meet your needs, Expedient has put together this list of top myths about disaster recovery. Myth 1: Our Company Is Located in a Disaster Free Location...

Not All Data Centers Are Equal: Which is Right for You?

Not All Data Centers Are Equal: Which is Right for You?

Read Time 3 min Read

Comparing your IT computing environments Not All Data Centers are Created Equal – Instead, the data center solution that is right for your company is directly dependent on any number of factors – including, company size, industry regulatory demands, power, Internet connectivity and data availability. But how can you be certain that the solution you choose will continue to...

A Managed-Services Cloud Approach vs. Off the Shelf

A Managed-Services Cloud Approach vs. Off the Shelf

Joe Palian
Read Time 3 min Read

Are you buying your cloud services off the shelf? Using any of the dozens of “one-size fits most” public cloud solutions currently on the market can be tempting. Most of them are labeled as easy to understand, relatively straight forward, and often getting the process started is as simple as typing in your credit card. Or is it? When...

Advantages of a Data Center Provider

Advantages of a Data Center Provider

Jonathan Rosenson
Read Time 3 min Read

Is it time to explore a data center hosting solution? As your company grows and your computing needs evolve, you may find yourself facing the all too familiar dilemma of build vs. buy: To Build - Build upon or remediate your existing in-house data center, relying on the expertise and resources of your internal IT staff to ensure...

Exploring the Advantages of the Hybrid

Exploring the Advantages of the Hybrid

Joe Palian
Read Time 3 min Read

When researching the cloud, it may seem like the landscape of cloud computing is in a state of constant evolution. In fact, it wasn’t too long ago when the public cloud – offering those once revolutionary promises of instant access and on-demand scalability – burst onto the scene. Then, as privacy and compliance concerns began to take center stage, the...

Locking Down Your Cloud

Locking Down Your Cloud

Jonathan Rosenson
Read Time 3 min Read

Learn how to evaluate the security of your cloud computing provider The ability to ensure data security is - of course - a critical part of evaluating any cloud provider. And while most providers will make grand claims about “state-of-the-art security,” many don’t even control the data center in which they are storing your data. A fact that can...

Shopping for a Regulatory Compliant Cloud Computing Solution?

Shopping for a Regulatory Compliant Cloud Computing Solution?

Jonathan Rosenson
Read Time 3 min Read

Learn what Expedient is doing to ensure security and eliminate compliance concerns In a recent blog post, we mentioned that the rate of cloud adoption can vary from one industry to the next. And according to a Gartner research report, this has led some companies in regulatory industries (e.g. banking, insurance, healthcare)...

How Cloud Computing Adoption Varies Across Industries

How Cloud Computing Adoption Varies Across Industries

Jonathan Rosenson
Read Time 2 min Read

According to a recent Gartner research report, cloud computing is gaining popularity across a variety of industries for basic business support functions. The research shows that cloud computing is being used for more than just IT functions. In fact, many industries are now viewing cloud computing in the context of how it can help them succeed in an evolving...

Exploring the ‘Why’ of Cloud Computing

Exploring the ‘Why’ of Cloud Computing

Joe Palian
Read Time 3 min Read

The motivation supporting the cloud computing revolution may not be as obvious you first suspect. The cloud computing revolution is hitting full gear. Fueled in a large part by the CIOs of small to medium sized companies, cloud strategies are being implemented at unbelievable rates - a trend that doesn’t look to be going away anytime soon. Just look...

Columbus Recognized as a Top 7 Intelligent Community

Columbus Recognized as a Top 7 Intelligent Community

Bryan Smith
Read Time 2 min Read

Columbus Is Recognized as a Top 7 Intelligent Community Were you surprised? The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) recently released its listing of the “Top 7 intelligent communities of 2013” and only one U.S City made the list: Columbus, OH. Is this a surprise to you? Out of all the cities in the U.S, all the areas that...

Lessons Learned from the Super Bowl Outage: The Importance of Availability

Lessons Learned from the Super Bowl Outage: The Importance of Availability

Read Time 3 min Read

Last week, right in the middle of what turned out to be an on-the-edge-of-your seat Super Bowl, the power went out - And for 34 minutes, millions of fans were left to sit, wonder and wait. 34 minutes of lost power - How would that impact your business? While in the grand scheme of things 34 minutes may not...

Cloud Computing: Why All the Confusion?

Cloud Computing: Why All the Confusion?

Brent Meadows
Read Time 2 min Read

Cloud Computing: Do you really understand what it means? “Cloud computing” is everywhere and it is being used by everyone. From conversations taking place in the world of IT to musings being posted on Facebook, the term “the cloud” has managed to fuse itself into the American lexicon, firmly becoming an accepted part of our daily lives. But there...

Big Data Storm Is Here: Cloud Computing is Bringing Big Data to Everyone

Big Data Storm Is Here: Cloud Computing is Bringing Big Data to Everyone

Read Time 2 min Read

The Big Data Storm Is Here, And Its Getting Bigger Every Minute There is little doubt: Big Data is here. We have been hearing about it for the last several months. And what once started as a whisper, being talked about in the backrooms of marketing board meetings, has turned into a tidal wave of information and insight into...