Calculating The Costs of a Public Cloud Solution

August 28, 2013 2 min Read

How to Evaluate the differences between dedicated and variable metering

Determining how much your public cloud environment will cost you can be tricky. While it’s true that signing up for a subscription cloud service offers the advantages of scalability, unless you have a clear idea of how much computing demand you need and use, you could wind up paying more than you suspect.

For instance, in the public cloud, your subscription package will be comprised of two types of resources:

  • Dedicated: The resources you are committed to paying for each month, regardless how much you use.
  • Variable (aka Burstable): This is any additional resources you use (CPU, RAM, Storage)

It is a common occurrence that your computing demand exceeds the dedicated amount, even when you will begin pulling computing resources from the variable pool. And while this is a great option if you experience unusual spikes in demand, it is important to note that those variable rates are being offered at a premium rate – meaning if you are continually pulling from the variable pool, you may end paying much more than you initially suspected.

To learn more, download our whitepaper: “Translating TCO When Taking to the Cloud”

Don’t Forget About Cloud Performance

It’s also important to note that the differences between dedicated and variable cloud utilization can also affect performance. In your dedicated environment, the performance will remain reliably consistent. However, in a variable environment, the performance is sometimes dependent on the overall demand being placed on those cloud systems.

When evaluating your potential cloud provider, the trick becomes asking the right questions to ensure that your resources will be available when you need them. At Expedient, our dedicated cloud computing environments are exactly that: Dedicated to your specific needs, and sitting idle if you choose not to use them.

Download the Whitepaper : Performance in the Cloud

For more help with determining the costs of a cloud solution, visit this Cloud Costs Calculator. Or, contact Expedient today.

Joe Palian Joe Palian

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