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    What's the Best Way to Move My Legacy Apps to the Cloud?

    Ready to “cloudify” your apps? Watch the webinar replay here. Most companies we talk to are not sure of the best way to migrate mission critical legacy apps to the cloud. First, we should define mission critical legacy apps (MCLAs): these are business applications like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for manufacturers, Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for healthcare...


    Heroic Effort is Not an IT Strategy

    Are you relying on your IT heroes too heavily? Watch the webinar replay here. It’s 3:45 on a Friday afternoon. The financial system, your organization’s most critical application, just went down. The server it was running on needed to be replaced two years ago, but funding was tight and the replacement was pushed out. The IT team...


    One More Hardware Refresh?

    Watch the webinar, and, for a deeper dive, read about how to handle your next hardware refresh—if you’re up for it—below the video. So. You’re due for a hardware refresh in your on-premises or colocated data center. And, since it’s been what, almost five years since you’ve been through one...


    AC/CF? WTH?

    One of my favorite CIOs once told me there are two kinds of work in corporate IT: AC work and CF work. He then explained the differences. AC work are the business projects that have a material impact on increasing revenue, reducing costs, reducing time to market, and opening new lines of business. These projects typically enhance an organization’s ability...

    Disaster Recovery Cloud

    Multi-cloud Choices: What is the best cloud for your legacy applications?

    In our multi-cloud world, workload placement is one of the most crucial IT decisions organizations make. With the plethora of mature and proven cloud options out there, the business case to migrate most legacy, on-premises applications to the cloud is undeniable. But, which cloud do you choose? Desired redundancy, application recoverability, networking, storage, and support are just a few of...


    Expedient Sponsors GartnerIOCS Conference in 2019

    The 2019 Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference (GartnerIOCS) was held at The Venetian in Las Vegas the week of December 9, 2019. Nearly 3,500 attendees, including members of the Expedient team, participated and learned about new trend analysis in cloud and IT infrastructure. The Expedient team regularly attends conferences in order to remain current with the role...


    How Expedient Enterprise Cloud helps organizations deliver simpler, more efficient IT

    Nearly every cloud provider and data center hardware/software vendor these days promises lower IT management overhead, freeing up IT staff to work on more important projects. Are these providers really making IT simpler and more efficient? Let’s get specific by taking a closer look at a single use case - VMware-based Expedient Enterprise Cloud (EEC). How does EEC help...


    Expedient Attends re:Invent 2019

    More than 60,000 technology professionals descended upon 6 convention centers in Las Vegas for this year’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent conference to connect with peers and cloud experts, share knowledge, and learn best practices. Central Registration at AWS re:Invent 2019. Several team members from Expedient attended the week-long event to meet with partners and...


    Key Takeaways from KubeCon 2019

    I recently attended KubeCon + CloudNativeCan North America 2019 in San Diego. The four-day conference was filled with keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking events focused around all things cloud native. Here are my key takeaways from the show: Security is an unsolved problem There were tons of security vendors at the show with a lot of overlap...


    451 Research: Expedient Enterprise Cloud positioned as a stepping stone from the old world to the new

    Shortly after we announced Expedient Enterprise Cloud (EEC) at VMworld 2018, 451 Research published its initial Market Insight report on the groundbreaking cloud, which noted that: “Companies like Expedient are at the coal face of enterprise and cloud right now, and pulling out the rewards therein. Early recognition of where the trends were headed and adoption of key new...


    Game-changing Security Solutions Highlighted at Juniper Networks’ NXTWORK 2019

    For a second consecutive year, I attended the Juniper NXTWORK 2019 conference in Las Vegas, NV, along with more than 1,000 other participants to discuss our business relationship with Juniper and learn about new technologies on the horizon. The convergence of security with the entire network infrastructure is a key focus of Juniper Networks’ forward-looking...

    Security and Compliance
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    Disaster Recovery

    November 14th, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET

    Your Disaster Recovery Doesn't Need to be a Disaster

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