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    Outsourcing Your DR is a Money-Saver

    Outsourcing Your DR is a Money-Saver Are you looking to save costs in your IT budget? Then outsourcing your disaster recovery may be a good option for you, according to an article on Computer Economics recently released its “IT Outsourcing Statistics 2015/2016” study, which found that the outsourcing of disaster recovery ranks the highest for successfully lowering...

    Cloud Disaster Recovery

    Is the Public Cloud Right for You?

    The public cloud is available to anyone, any company, anywhere. It allows data storage, compute and applicable services to be available based only on what you need or use, which is an attractive benefit. But how do you truly know if public cloud platform is the right option for your company? The public cloud may be right for you...

    Cloud Computing

    The “Where” and “Why” of Choosing a Data Center location

    Choosing a Data Center Location When choosing to build a new data center, there are a multitude of factors that should be considered in the decision-making process. Establishing a fully redundant and secure data center requires a significant capital investment as well as a commitment to ongoing operational expenses for support, and maintenance. However, a key step in...

    Virtual Colocation Data Centers

    Public Cloud as a Long-Term Platform Strategy

    The adoption of the public cloud continues to increase. More and more companies in various industries are incorporating a public cloud strategy into their long-term IT plan. The shear amount of data being accumulated and stored makes public cloud computing the best option for most companies. According to an article on, “[more than] 90 percent of the world’s...

    Cloud Computing public cloud cloud strategy

    Setting Your Data Center Migration Strategy

    Migration Services Undergoing a migration to a new data center or a colocation provider for the first time is a daunting task. It is time-consuming and takes impeccable planning down to the smallest detail. So how do you go about establishing a strategy that will allow a smooth transition of your hardware and IT environment? Prepare, Prepare, Prepare...

    Server Management Data Centers

    How secure is the public cloud?

    Public Cloud Security When deciding between a public, private or hybrid cloud offering, companies often consider the security risks involved. The name alone can make some people think the public cloud is not nearly as secure as a hybrid or private offering but is that really true or is the public cloud secure enough for your company’s data? The simple answer...

    Security and Compliance Cloud Computing Data Security

    How to Budget for Cloud Computing Services

    Budgeting for Cloud Services The trend to migrate to cloud computing continues to grow. Most likely, your company is somewhere in the midst of its migration plan or about to begin one. Budget for cloud computing costs now as your enterprise continues to migrate its IT infrastructure to a solely cloud-based platform. A Goldman Sachs study published in January estimates...

    Cloud Computing Infrastructure Availability

    Fight Cyber Crime with Business Continuity

    Fight Cyber Crime with Business Continuity A strong business continuity plan can help prevent or reduce the risk of a cyber-attack. Seventy-two percent of small and mid-sized business survey respondents said they expect to increase their investments in business continuity over the next 12 to 24 months to prevent cyber-attacks, according to an article on (The survey included...

    Disaster Recovery Data Security

    6 Questions to Ask a Prospective Colocation Provider

    Six Questions to Ask A Prospective Colocation Provider Once you have determined that colocation is the right strategy for your business, choosing the best qualified provider is the necessary next step. While this may seem like a daunting task, conducting preliminary due diligence and knowing what questions to ask during the vetting process will help establish a framework for...

    Security and Compliance Data Centers

    The True Cost of a Data Breach

    What do Data Breaches Really Cost? When sensitive or confidential data is lost or stolen and subsequently put at risk, then a data breach has occurred. The consequences are severe to your company’s reputation and bottom line. In 2014, it seemed like every few weeks there was another company that had its network hacked leaving personal information and their...

    Security and Compliance Cloud Computing Data Security

    How SaaS Cloud Computing Is Driving Data Center Evolution

    SaaS Cloud Computing With more and more companies transitioning more and more data and mission-critical applications to the cloud, the adoption of software as a service is becoming a dominant force in the future of data centers. According to a 2014 survey by North Bridge Venture Partners, in conjunction with Gigaom Research, the adoption of SaaS among its respondents...

    Cloud Computing
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