Expedient was proud to host the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s TechVibe Radio Neighborhood Tour in our Nova Place data center for two shows, airing on April 21 and April 28 at 7 pm on KDKA Radio 1020 AM in Pittsburgh. The first show, airing April 21, features an interview with Expedient President Shawn McGorry about Expedient’s Nova Place data center...
The concept of bimodal IT has been around since at least 2013, when Gartner first introduced the phrase as a way to address the burgeoning growth of agile development in IT organizations. In Gartner terms, Mode 1 is the focus on making sure the business runs reliably, while Mode 2 explores opportunities for innovation that leads to business transformation. Combining...
Data Center Hardware Refresh What business requirements are you addressing with your data center hardware refresh? What are you aiming for when you update data center hardware? I routinely talk to IT leaders about their current projects; one of the most common I hear about is a data center hardware refresh. And, as our conversation evolves, a few key...