
A wealth of knowledge from our cloud experts at your fingertips.

    Server Management and Monitoring

    Expedient’s server management and monitoring provides IT organizations with expert oversight of mission-critical IT infrastructure.

    Info Sheets

    Industry - Ecommerce/Retail

    Expedient tailors infrastructure as a service solutions for the eCommerce and retail industries, with a 100% service level agreement that ensures seamless digital purchases.

    Info Sheets eCommerce/Retail

    Healthcare Outcome Story

    As a HIPAA business associate, Expedient’s data center colocation helped a hospital system protect patient data and be HIPAA compliant.

    Outcome Stories Healthcare

    SaaS Info Pack

    Software as a Service Info Sheets

    Healthcare Info Pack

    Healthcare Info Sheets

    Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

    Avoid loss of revenue, critical data, and customers with Push Button DR, Expedient’s Disaster Recovery as a Service for mission-critical information technology infrastructure.

    Info Sheets

    Industry - SaaS

    Deliver applications seamlessly in the cloud and focus on software innovation with Expedient’s solutions tailored for the software as a service (SaaS) industry.

    Info Sheets Software as a Service

    Industry - Healthcare

    Expedient’s HIPAA business associate agreement makes its IT infrastructure as a service solutions the ideal choice for the healthcare industry.

    Info Sheets Healthcare

    Elite Services Inc.

    In order to offer the best experience to its clients, Elite Services must stay focused on improving its practices on a daily basis, so the company relies on Expedient to handle all of its day-to-day IT functions.

    Case Studies

    Orchard Software

    Expedient’s reliable infrastructure as a service for the healthcare industry keeps Orchard Software focused on seamless integration of laboratory information systems. Orchard lab systems improve reimbursements and ease the task of medical necessity validation by automatically screening ICD codes and testing frequency and experimental procedures during order entry in places like multispecialty clinics, physician offices, hospitals, fertility clinics, public health...

    Case Studies

    SlimLine Cage Visual Guide

    See Expedient’s proprietary SlimLine Cage for colocation or private virtual colocation in this visual guide.

    Info Sheets