Celebrating Women's History Month At Expedient (Part 1)

March 25, 2021 4 min Read

March is Women’s History Month, and it’s exciting to see the role that talented, driven women at Expedient play at work, at home, in life! From Market Vice Presidents to marketing, and every department in between, they’re making a difference on a daily basis. So let’s celebrate Women’s History Month by shining the spotlight on some of those women.

In part one, meet Ruth Miles, Allison Betts, and Karen Eonta!

Ruth Milesï¹£Market Vice President, Indianapolis

Who is a woman in your life who has inspired you and how?

My grandmother. She was a single, working mother and had a very good job with a pharmaceutical company back when women were just entering the workforce after WWII.

If I could talk to my 13-year-old self right now, I’d tell her…

To know that everyone feels awkward and insecure at times. Be true to yourself and your friends forever and you’ll be just fine.

I’m proud that I’ve been able to…

Work with so many wonderful, smart and kind people in my career and now call them ‘friend’.

A technology that excites me is…


At work, I feel a sense of ownership over…

The lifecycle of the client experience we deliver at Expedient

Who inspired you along your career path that helped you get to where you are today?

A former colleague named Robert Thompson. He pushed me outside of my comfort zone and encouraged me to try new things.

Allison Bettsï¹£Development Team Lead, Information Systems

If I could talk to my 13-year-old self right now, I’d tell her…

Invest in Bitcoin

A technology that excites me is …

Argo CD. We use a lot of interesting technologies, but the ability to continuously deliver almost effortlessly what we’ve built is pretty exciting.

At work, I feel a sense of ownership over…

Our products. We care a lot about what we make, and I feel a sense of pride and ownership over the projects I’ve helped contribute to.

Who inspired you along your career path that helped you get to where you are today?

My first college advisor (a calc professor) at Seton Hill, during course enrollment. I was going to be transferring to Pitt after the first semester but didn’t have a clear idea of the major I wanted to study. I had one more class to fit in during enrollment and told him I liked math and statistics subjects, so he put me in Intro to C++. That’s what got me started in computer science and completely changed my career path.

Karen Eontaï¹£Marketing Strategist

If you could have lunch with any historical female figure (or 2 or 3), who you choose? Why?

  • Princess Diana – her grace and dignity
  • Jane Goodall – passion and dedication
  • One more time with my mom

If I could talk to my 13-year-old self right now, I’d tell her…

13? I’d rather talk to my 18-year-old self – I probably would have ventured into more of a business and information systems (computer science) focus. I get a bit nerdy with that stuff.

I’m proud that I’ve been able to…

have long and lifelong friendships with so many beautiful people in my life

A technology that excites me is …


Who inspired you along your career path that helped you get to where you are today?

My dear friend, Rosanne Casciato – she’s the most positive and caring person I know. She always believed in me even if I didn’t believe in myself.

Molly Perenic Molly Perenic

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