Lessons Learned from the Super Bowl Outage: The Importance of Availability

February 13, 2013 3 min Read

Last week, right in the middle of what turned out to be an on-the-edge-of-your seat Super Bowl, the power went out - And for 34 minutes, millions of fans were left to sit, wonder and wait.

34 minutes of lost power - How would that impact your business?

While in the grand scheme of things 34 minutes may not seem like such a big deal, if it comes at the wrong time, it can have a huge impact. Just look at what happened on Sunday, when over 100 million people were watching, Not only did the power outage wreck the viewer experience, the game’s production value and the commercial schedule, but experts agree that the play on the field was impacted. Consider this, before the power outage the Ravens, with a 28-6 lead, looked like they were on their way to an easy victory. But following the delay and a momentum swing, the Ravens were forced to hang on, barely eking out a 34-31 victory.

Of course, the public relations impact may have been even greater. New Orleans has spent the last several years rebuilding its public image - and hosting the Super Bowl provided the perfect opportunity to showcase the city’s rebirth. But, in just 34 minutes, this was all forgotten, replaced with a more negative and perhaps more permanent image. And all of this happened while you were watching a football game. What if instead of the power outage affecting the Superdome, your company - or worse - your IT infrastructure, was affected?

Can you afford to let a power outage impact the success of your business?

It’s major events like the one at the Super Bowl that reinforce Expedient’s emphasis on ensuring that your facilities’ infrastructure remains up-to-date, continually tested, checked and maintained. As we saw last Sunday, without all that redundancy working to ensure continuous uptime, even an event as major as the Super Bowl can be affected.

In fact, during an interview with Cool Cleveland a few weeks ago, Expedient’s Regional Vice President, Michael DeAloia talked about the importance of having the staff, facility and infrastructure to ensure that your systems remain online. In what now seems like a prediction of things to come, DeAloia outlined what it takes to maintain guaranteed availability. In the interview, DeAloia pointed out that Expedient’s Cleveland Data Center features:

• Redundant power feeds

• Continuous load testing and monitoring

• Battery backups

• Massive generator backups

Through these redundancies, Expedient is able to build an almost impenetrable wall of guaranteed power availability. But of course, Expedient does not stop there. Each of our data centers is continuously monitored and maintained, secured with state-of-the-art features, and built upon an industry leading infrastructure – all of which work to ensure that what happened at the Super Bowl won’t happen to you. To learn more about what it takes to ensure a high availability system, Schedule your tour at an Expedient Data Center today.

Expedient Matthew Deramo

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