Forecasting the Future of Cloud Computing

July 24, 2012 2 min Read

While cloud computing as a Buzz Word has been floating around the industry for a number of years, its popularity has really begun to snowball within the last 12 to 24 months. And as this recognition grows, companies around the globe are beginning to recognize the cloud as a fast, easy and inexpensive way to share and store information and expand their IT infrastructure. The question then becomes, as popularity expands, what does the future have in store for cloud computing?

One Survey Looks at the Future of the Cloud

The Future of Cloud Computing Survey, published in early 2012 by North Bridge Venture Partners, serves as a look into the minds and future plans of 785 industry experts, vendors, and end users. From it we glean that:

  • More than half of the people surveyed are confidant in cloud computing’s future
  • 88% of IT and businesses said they plan to use Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) five years from now
  • 57% believe that scalability will be a critical component of cloud computing’s success
  • 82% of respondents said that SaaS was their top budget item

It’s not all success, however. 55% said that security is still the biggest issue for their companies in making the leap to cloud computing. The survey also pointed out several future changes to cloud computing and data storage and transfer, namely:

  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) are expected to grow expansively in the next five years
  • Hybrid clouds (private-public) usage will increase significantl
  • The top 3 areas of cloud computing use are backup and archiving (43 percent), business continuity (25 percent), collaboration tools (22 percent), and big data processing (19 percent)

In short, the outlook is looking bright for cloud computing. As more people find that cloud computing is the easy path for storage and sharing data, and as security becomes stronger, cloud computing will continue to grow and expand.

Learn how your organization can benefit from the advantages that the cloud has to offer. Contact Expedient to learn about our cloud computing solutions.

Brent Meadows Brent Meadows

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