IT Buzzwords | Cloud Computing: You Use It, But Do You Understand It?

July 02, 2012 2 min Read

Cloud Computing: You Use It, But Do You Understand It?

Having a hard time understanding exactly what cloud computing is? Well, don’t worry – you are not alone.

According to an article by the Global Language Monitor (GLM), the term Cloud Computing ranks second on a list of the decade’s most confusing technical buzzwords that people use but don’t quite understand.

The GLM is a media analytics company that documents, analyzes and tracks cultural trends in language. For the last several years, they have run reports analyzing the most used and most confusing buzzwords. And during this time, the cloud, “in various manifestations,” continues to be ranked near the top of the list. It was ranked No. 1 in 2008, No. 4 for the decade, and now No.2 in 2012.

Are Your Taking Full Advantage of The Cloud

This high ranking is in spite of the fact that the term cloud computing is being used everywhere. Turn on the television or run a Google search, and you are almost guaranteed to hear some mention of “The Cloud.”

But if people don’t understand exactly what the term means, are they taking full advantage of their options? Are they aware of just how fully the cloud can be scaled to match their distinct computing network needs?

So ask yourself, are you taking full advantage of all the potential “The Cloud” has to offer. Do you want to find out if the cloud is right for you?

To find out whether it is or not, download your free guide to find out Which Cloud is Right For You.

Brent Meadows Brent Meadows

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