DDoS Mitigation DDoS mitigation a focus of recent 451 Research analysis at 2017 RSA conference A March 2017 report published by 451 Research found that distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks evolved in 2016, requiring security vendors addressing such threats to take proactive measures to increase their capabilities and capacities. The research cites Arbor Networks, an industry leading...
What are the Best Use Cases for the On Premises Data Center? What are the practical use cases for an on premises (in-house) data center? When does it make sense to maintain hardware in a data center that is located in your office building or a leased office building? Here are the most common: Leveraging your on premises data...
What’s Your Cloud Strategy? Once your organization has gone through the three-step process of defining your cloud strategy and determined that the cloud is the right option, then it is time for the next decision: Choosing a cloud service platform. This is another significant choice that requires thoughtful evaluation. Is your business IT infrastructure best suited for a...